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Location: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 25 Westminster Rd.,Rochester NY. There is limited parking at church, street parking available or parking across East Avenue, at the George Eastman House.


  • October-June: first Tuesday of the month (meetings & HOPE sessions)

  • September: second Tuesday of the month (meeting & HOPE)

Meeting Details:

  • Free & open to the public (Chapter membership not required)

  • In-person and Zoom (meetings & most programs),

  • Chapter meeting room Parish Hall, is looped; meetings are open captioned

  • Masks suggested, but not required

  • No registration for regular daytime in person meetings or in person HOPE Sessions.

HOPE Sessions:

  • Occur prior to regular Chapter Meetings, in person only, Vestry Room.

  • Evening sessions (select dates): registration required for Zoom in the evening only

  • One-Time Zoom Registration: covers Zoom Chapter Meetings, HOPE evenings, & Zoom programs (valid for 2024-25 season)

  • 11:00-11:30 am Coffee & Conversation, St. Paul’s Parish Hall

  • 11:30 am-Noon Brief Business Meeting & Announcements,Parish Hall and on Zoom.

  • Note: our speaker or presentation begins promptly at 12 pm and ends promptly at 1 PM

Tuesday, March 4, 2025, (in person only)10:00-11:00 am

HOPE - Hearing Other People’s Experiences- (St. Paul's Vestry Room)

Prospective, new, or experienced hearing aid users informally share their experiences and hearing loss journeys. with retired audiologist, Joe Kozelsky

​Tuesday, March 4, In person and on Zoom Program: (Parish Hall)  "Ask the Audiologist with John McNamara, Au.D.. Dr. McNamara will discuss the latest in the hearing aid industry – What are hearing manufacturers concentrating on now?  Is there anything new happening with hearing aid legislation? What about insurance companies and Medicare? Are they doing anything to cover hearing aid costs, reimbursements, and services? Are there benefits with blue tooth technology and hearing aid accessories? Why do I have so much trouble hearing in noise, even with my quality hearing aids?  John is here to answer YOUR questions and discuss the importance of evidence-based hearing aid fittings along with cochlea implants. Are you a candidate? Join us in person or via Zoom!​

Wednesday, March 19 7-8:00 PM HOPE in the Evening via Zoom only. (For new attendees: registration information below).


Prospective, new, or experienced hearing aid users informally share their experiences and hearing loss journeys. Joe Kozelsky CCC/A facilitates.

Thursday, March 20, 10:00am-2:00pm Demo Center at Lifespan, 1900 South Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618.

View and try out a selection of assistive-listening devices before actually buying them. Included are captioning capable and amplified telephones, signaling-alerting devices and smart phone APPs related to hearing enhancement. Chapter members stand by to answer your questions.

Tuesday, Marchy 258 – 9:00 PM Zoom, "Hear Together": 

​Hearing Together/Zoom Virtual Support Group for parents and caregivers of deaf/hard-of-hearing children. Learn more about your child’s hearing loss, services to benefit them, and tips to support their language development. Kristin Bergholtz, CCC/SLP, a speech language pathologist who leads the group, along with Carly Alicea, Au. D/PhD, an audiologist, This meeting's focus will be on Balance & Physical Therapy Needs in D/HOH Children. Register at

Registration Information

Registration is needed only once for the season. You may return to the Registration Page to add to your selections. The password information is usually sent out the day of the event. Contact Us to cancel a registration. No registration is needed for in person daytime HOPE sessions, or Chapter Meetings!

When registering for Zoom programing you will be asked to select one or more of the following:

1. Select “Presentations” to register for Zoom regular Chapter Meetings. No registration is needed to attend Chapter Meetings in person.
2. Select: "HOPE" for : “Hope in the Evening” sessions, and for Special Programs, and Classes.
3. Select the “Demonstration” check box for Zoom “Demo Center” programing. No registration when visiting our Assistive Listening Demonstration Center at Lifespan, in person.

​​​​​​​​To register for each Cochlear Implant Group Zoom program, email: ​​​​​​​

Register below. ​If you'd like to cancel your registration, Contact Us​​

To register for each Cochlear Implant Group Zoom program, email: ​​
​If you'd like to cancel your registration, Contact Us​​

NOTE: Cochlear Implant Group (CI ) via Zoom: Meetings are generally on the third Tuesday of November, February, and May, 7 p.m. eastern time, look for changes or additional meeting Registration is required for each meeting. Register at: You do not need to be a member; sessions are free.

© 2024 Hearing Loss Association of America Rochester Chapter Inc. All Rights Reserved. 



Documents on this website have been compiled by the Hearing Loss Association of America Rochester NY as an information resource. The content is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; material is subject to change. Mention of goods or services in advertisements does not imply Hearing Loss Association of America endorsement; exclusion does not suggest disapproval. ​HLAA Rochester P.O. Box 1002 Fairport, NY 14450​​ Phone: 585-266-7890  Voice Mail

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