More Resources
​This is not an exhaustive list of resources. Many of the entries below have links to other websites on their website. Publication of these references does not imply endorsement by Rochester HLAA.
Hearing Loss Association of America: National Organization: https://www.hearingloss.org
Hearing Loss Association of America, New York State Association https://hearinglossnys.org
Mailing Address: HLAA-NYS, P.O. Box 1002, Fairport, NY 14450 E- Mail: hlaa.newyorkstate@gmail.com
Hearing Loss Association of America, Rochester Chapter: HLAA Rochester, P.O. Box 1002 Fairport, NY 14450, Phone: 585-266-7890, E-Mail hlaa.rochester@yahoo.com https://www.hearinglossrochester.org
The Americans with Disabilities Act ADA: The Americans with Disability Act Region https://www.northeastada.org Region 2. Talk to an ADA Specialist 1-800-949-4232
Northeast ADA Center 203 Dolgen Hall Ithaca, NY.14853 607-255-6686 northeastada@cornell.edu
Assistive Listening system Venues locator by zip code:
http://www.aldlocator.com/ Enter your Zip code and find Listening Systems in your area. See below: Theater, Live Theater, Movie Theaters with Assistive Listening systems etc.)
Assistive Device Vendors:
Adco: http://www.adcohearing.com/ 800-726-0851 sales@adcohearing.com Assorted products for purchase.
Diglo (formerly Harris Communications)(Discount for HLAA members) Assorted products: https://www.diglo.com 1-800-825-6758 VP: 952-388-2552
Hear More, Inc: Assorted products http://www.hearmore.com 1-800-881-4327 Voice, 631-752-3277 Text-messaging Service; 631-752-mail to: sales@hearmore.com
Children/students with Hearing Loss, Parent and Student Resources:
Access VR. Vocational Rehabilitation, Provides information/funds/devices for students with disabilities: http://www.acces.nysed.gov/vr
B.O.C.E.S. Board of Cooperative Educational Services Monroe #1 BOCES41 O'Connor Road, Fairport, New York 14450 585- 377- http://www.monroe.edu/
National Technical Institute for the Deaf (hoh): http://www.ntid.rit.edu/ Email: ntidmc@rit.edu 585-475-6400 (TTY and Voice) ,NTID Admissions 585-475-6700 (TTY and Voice) email: NTIDAdmissions@rit.edu.
Rochester School for the Deaf (RSD): Phone/Voice/TTY: 585-544-1240 E mail to: info@rsdeaf.org
Hands and Voices: http://www.handsandvoices.org/ Interesting site with references for information concerning children with hearing loss
Cochlear Implant Related:
Hearing Loss Association of America: Cochlear Implants: https://www.hearingloss.org/hearing-help/technology/cochlear-implantable-devices/
National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders
National Institute of Health https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/cochlear-implants
USDA https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/cochlear-implants/what-cochlear-implant
Deaf/Blind, hearing and vision information:
Emergency Preparedness for people with hearing loss:
AARP: https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2016/emergency-preparedness-hearing-loss-kb.html
Become a “Friend” of Monroe County to receive text messages via Facebook in the event of an emergency: http://www.facebook.com/MonroeCountyOEM.
Financial Assistance for Hearing Aids:
Your Guide to Financial Assistance for Hearing Aids
From: Healthy Hearing
HLAA National Website page
Hearing Aids​
Hearing Aid Support from Companies: Note that due to many mergers and holdings by large companies there can be a lot of confusion over which company owns vs manufactures a particular hearing aid. There may be one hearing aid that carries the brand name of it’s vendor. but are basically the same product. Below are some of the most common/familiar companies.
Oticon: https://www.oticon.com/support 855-400-9766
Phonak: https://www.phonak.com/en-us/support 800 679-4871
Resound: https://www.resound.com/en-us/help1 (888) 735-4327
Signia (Siemens): https://www.signia.net/en-us/support/ 800-350-6093
Starkey: https://www.starkey.com/support/get-help 888-227-8906
Unitron: https://www.unitron.com/ca/en_ca/help-and-support.html 866-230-0115
Widex: https://www.widex.com/en-us/support/ 844-497-8844
Hearing Aids, Financial Assistance for
Your Guide to Financial Assistance for Hearing Aids
Hearing Loops: Websites that discusses induction loops, and information regarding training installers and purchasing systems:
Let’s Loop America: http://www.hearingloop.org/index.htm
“Getting in the Hearing Loop”: HLAA National Information: http://www.hearingloss.org/content/get-hearing-loop
Hearing Loop Installer Certification:
Contacta Inc.: 332 Lakewood Blvd. Suite 400 Holland, MI 49424 T. 616.392.3400, E mail: alyssa@contactainc.com Contacta Inc. https://contactainc.com
Listen Technologies: http://www.listentech.com/ Listen Technologies Corporation
14912 Heritage Crest Way Bluffdale, Utah 84065-4818 Toll-Free: 1.800.330.0891
Hearing Loop Installers, Local
Note some installers have completed a special training course. Ask a hearing loop installer if they follow the international standard IEC 60118-4. note: some installers also install IR and FM systems and temporary Assistive Listening Systems.
AAA Sound Service and Low Voltage, LLC Mt. Read Blvd Rochester, NY 14611 US (585) 325-1080; (877) 871-3162 https://aaasound.com
Applied Audio: 585 272 9280, 2 Townline Road Rochester, NY 14624 http://theatresupply.com/ , lou@theatresupply.com
Hearing Loops Unlimited Donald Bataille, AIA Northeast Office 585-727-0408 https://hearingloopsunlimited.com/ don@hloops.com
Pro Hearing Loops, LLC, Daniel Brooks, Pro Hearing Loops - P.O. Box 1018 - Williamson, NY 14589
(585) 626-6639 Email: info@ProHearingLoops.com https://www.prohearingloops.com/
Job information/assistance
Job Accommodation Network “Jan” http://askjan.org also see the ADA above
Information for those who are working and have a disability.
HLAA National: Employment and Work Related Toolkit: https://www.hearingloss.org/hearing-help/communities/employees/
Legal/Legislative Information:
See also Region 2 Local ADA information above.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Local/Regional information Northeast Region 2 ADA Center
203 Dolgen Hall Ithaca, NY. 14853, 607-255-6686, 1-800-949-4232 northeastada@cornell.edu
Americans with Disability Act (ADA) : http://www.ada.gov/
Government Employment Disability information:
State representatives http://www.senate.state.ny.us/ http://www.assembly.state.ny.us/
Social Networking sites:
Face Book, National Organization
Instagram National Organization
Hearing Aid Forum(Hearing Tracker): Boards where people discuss hearing aids and cochlear implants http://www.hearingaidforums.com/
Say What Club: http://www.saywhatclub.com/ A Social site where people with hearing loss “get together”; topics are varied. This is an international group of people. An application (online) is required.
Speech and Audiology:
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA): Traditional professional society for speech-language pathologists and audiologists. http://www.asha.org/default.htm
New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NYSSLHA): State level professional society for ASHA. http://www.nysslha.org
American Auditory Society (AAS) Mostly research based. http://www.amauditorysoc.org
Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA): formerly known as Academy of Dispensing Audiologists Primarily comprised of audiologists who dispense hearing aids. http://www.audiologist.org
Educational Audiologists Association (EAA) Professional society for audiologists who work in school settings. http://www.edaud.org
Telephone Services: Relay/ CapTel / CaptionCall Services
Relay New York direct access to “regular” relay services such as V/TTY/ VCO or STS (speech to speech) or other relay services: dial: 711 (not used for CapTel, or CaptionCall services) https://www.nyconnects.ny.gov/services/7-1-1-ny-relay-service-1085
Caption Capable Telephones:
CapTel captioned phones: http://www.captel.com There are a variety of models, including one that does not require Internet Service CapTel phone rep: Kassey Granger: 518-681-9445
CaptionCall, requires High Speed Internet: For more Information about Caption Call 1-877-557-2227 Caption. Relay phone service by Sorenson https://captioncall.com
Clear Captions: Captioning provider: https://clearcaptions.com
Captioning Phone Apps:
Theater, Live (Captioned performances)
Theater Development Fund: Find Live performances that have assistive listening systems available in New York City. http://www.tdf.org/
CenterStage Theatre JCC Open Captions on some dates.
Jewish Community Center, 1200 Edgewood Ave in Brighton.
(585) 461-2000 x 0 https://jccrochester.org/events/special-events/centerstage-theatre
GEVA Theatre 75 Woodbury Blvd, Rochester, NY 14607
Box Office: 585-232-Geva (4382) https://www.gevatheatre.org
Rochester Broadway Theatre League Box Office: (585) 222-5000 (auditorium Theatre) 885 E Main St, Rochester, NY 14605 http://www.rbtl.org
NTID Performing Arts and RIT College of Liberal Arts
See NTID Event Calendars for exact time and other information
Theaters, Movie (Cinema): Service to help Locate movie theaters, that show captioned movies.
AMC Theaters: https://www.amctheatres.com/open-caption
The Little Theatre: https://thelittle.org/accessibility/
Movies 10: http://www.rochestermovies10.com/?p=content&id=Accessibility
Veterans: Resources for veterans
Hearing Aids for Veterans: http://www.prosthetics.va.gov/Hearing_Aids.asp
Hearing aid application for veterans: